2013, Chinese press reported foreign trade series (iii): Indonesia Thailand Viet Nam's leading export markets

2013, Chinese press reported foreign trade series (iii): Indonesia Thailand Viet Nam's leading export markets

Can be seen throughout China in 2013 machine Mart, with a focus on absolute share of the import market of China machine import, Indonesia, and Thailand, and Viet Nam and other countries leading export markets.

Judging from export distribution, in 2013, China's top ten export markets in the country for export to Indonesia, and Russia and India the machine to maintain the steady growth; to Viet Nam and the United States, and Malaysia and Korea's exports grow for Thailand, and Brazil and Turkey's exports fell.

Different in 2012, export geographical dispersion, in 2013, China plastic machine relative concentration of export markets in Asia, accounted for 58.31% of the market share. Indonesia, and Thailand and Viet Nam, and other Southeast Asian countries export advantage market. 2013, export to Indonesia of plastic machine number for 3395 Taiwan, export amount about for 140 million dollars (+7.81%), accounted for export total of 7.69%, in 2013 China plastic machine export market in the ranked first; export to Thailand of number and amount respectively compared declined 34.9% and 13.86%, but to 60,000 dollars/Taiwan of export price makes export amount after Indonesia, accounted for total exports of 6.88%; export to Viet Nam of number and amount respectively compared growth 6.9% And 47.41%, exports accounted for 6.6% of the total, ranking third.

Import distribution area in 2013 from Japan, and Germany, and Italy, and Austria, and France and Switzerland, the world's leading machine producer in varying degrees of decline in imports, while Korea's imports maintained a stable growth. According to China's customs figures released showed, in 2013, China Presses key import markets continue to be Japan, and Germany, China, Taiwan, and Korea, and Italy and the United States, and Austria, and France, and Switzerland and other countries. Top ten imports imports of machine number and the amount of imported machine in the same period a total number and total amounts of 95.05% and 97.41%.

Worth noting is that China machine import in the top ten countries, Switzerland (US $ 810,000), Italy ($ 600,000) and Germany (530,000 dollars) remains plastic, average unit prices in the top three, Switzerland and Italy respectively, 37% for 11%, Germany fell 6%.

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