Keywords: international news, MX molding machines, Maffei

Keywords: international news, MX molding machines, Maffei

Germany machinery maker Maffei (KraussMaffei Group GmbH) starting from the first quarter of this year in its factories in Zhejiang Haiyan assembling MX series plastic injection molding machine, CEO Harald Schweitzer in China in China, announced at a news conference held during the international exhibition of rubber and plastic.
He said: "We hope that through the MX machines assembled in Chinese factories sold, to further expand our product line, MX series has been widely accepted by the market. "

China CEO Harald Schweitzer

Specializes in the production of extrusion machine when the plant was completed in 2005, but is currently being expanded, he said. Apart from the main supply MX hydraulic machines for the automotive industry, and the company also established a laboratory designed for PET equipment and training, involving the company's Chi-Netstal business.
Schweitzer said: "right now, we had sea salt factory has become basically able to serve the Almighty factories in all business sectors. We have a good footprint in China, and further success in the future with confidence and hope. "
Schweitzer said, has sold more than 3000 units assembled in China this year to 850 tons clamping force MX series machine and above.
On the MX-series by the company in China's development prospects are very good.
"I firmly believe that China will be a big increase in demand for automated production systems, and the main driving factor is the rise in labor costs", Vice President of sales, FrankPeters said.
He added: "high-quality Presses in the market is very small, most of the remaining machines were ordinary machines, but I think the field of high quality machine percent ratio will be higher in the future. "

Keywords: international news, MX molding machines, Maffei

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